“I don’t consider it a healthy development, when fewer and fewer people wake up early to work, and in more and more families, only the children wake up early to go to school.” This random collection of words came from mister doctor – elected Chancellor and by that he opened 2019 announcing the results of his health observations. That was not a joke, it was an honest attempt to describe how people live and work in Vienna. According to his observations, Viennese prefer much more to be hungry then to wake up earlier. Such a stupid comment could be very funny if it wasn’t so sad.
I think it will be very helpful to leave the office (not a joke) and look around, Vienna is a 24/7 city where fewer and fewer people are working 9 to 5. When his goal is to have less people who are assisted by welfare money, maybe, it could be much more efficient to think what are the contemporary labour frameworks, how to create better conditions for the self employed and maybe focus on creating more jobs – stable jobs.
Unfortunately, the elected Chancellor, preoccupying with bed statistics, demonstrates an incoherent understanding of the market and does not do his job – despite the early breakfast.
I will close with a quote that defines a real problem: “Rather, it is the machine which possesses skill and strength in place of the worker …” Grundrisse by Karl Marx in 1857–1858!!! Less jobs more people – a fact. A universal basic income for all – the solution! Any time of the day will be good time to start dealing with that.
Sheri Avraham ist Vorsitzende der IG Bildende Kunst.