Another Artworld. Manifestations and conditions of equity in visual arts

Another Artworld

Manifestations and conditions of equity in visual arts

The conference ANOTHER ARTWORLD: Manifestations and Conditions of Equity in Visual Arts, aims to initiate discussion on principles of democratic governance and decision-making models in the field of visual arts, as a topic that has been neglected in the public and scientific discourse, with the desire to broaden knowledge and consider possibilities of its implementation. 

Conference, Dec 3-4, 2020

Further information, registration, program:

Dec 4, 18:30 (CET)
What does the art give to and what can it demand from the society?
Vasilena Gankovska, IG Bildende Kunst / Association of Visual Artists, Austria
Ivana Vaseva,Faculty of Things That Can’t be Learned, North Macedonia
Teemu Mäki, The Artists’ Association of Finland, Finland
Zoran Pantelić, The Association of Fine Artists of Vojvodina, Serbia
Vahida Ramujkić, The Association of Fine Artists of Serbia, Serbi
Moderator: Milena DragićevićŠešić, UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy Belgrade, Serbia

Another Artworld. Manifestations and conditions of equity in visual arts 
The conference program is designed to open a discussion on the questions: what are the features of the essentially democratic functioning of the contemporary visual arts system? What would be the definition of art in such a system, and what would be the position of the artist? What would be principles to organize production, ie. what would be the decision-making methods and how would the division of labour be organized? What existing examples (historical and current) are contributing to the comprehensive decentralization and democratization of the visual arts field? How do the systems of contemporary visual arts vary within different socio-politically organized societies or smaller communities? What models of organization and management at the micro and macro levels (which will develop a horizontal, substantive democratic approach) could be applied in the future?