Anti-Covid-19 hand found and tested

A comment by Sheri Avraham

The Covid-19 crisis generates gaze at the economical market in ways that only a crisis can allow. The slow market movements enable us to review and re... more

So long Kiribati

A comment by Sheri Avraham

Kiribati is one of the countries which are at risk of disappearing from the map due to the rising of the sea level. Ioane Teitiota, a resident of this... more

But in the end, the people decide …

A comment by Sheri Avraham

This summer will be a hot one. And no, this is not a comment on the global warming, nor an interpretation of a meteorology map. Europe is going throug... more

“Sleep on it …”

A comment by Sheri Avraham

“I don’t consider it a healthy development, when fewer and fewer people wake up early to work, and in more and more families, only the children wake u... more

“the master's tools will never dismantle the master’s house” [1]

A comment by Sheri Avraham

“A total of 46 percent of the population over the age of 15 carries out voluntary activity … That means there are more than 3.5 million people in Aust... more